Wiki statistiky
Aktuální měsíc
1 | Chrome | 44 |
2 | Default Browser | 22 |
3 | Edge | 12 |
4 | Firefox | 2 |
1 | Win10 | 32 |
2 | Android | 26 |
3 | unknown | 22 |
Num | Country | Accesses |
1 | United States | 46 |
2 | Czech Republic | 29 |
3 | Germany | 2 |
4 | Italy | 1 |
5 | Slovakia | 1 |
6 | Netherlands | 1 |
Total number of countries: 6Total accesses: 80
Page Accesses
Number of pages accessed: 30Total accesses: 80
1 | Chrome | 490 |
2 | Safari | 61 |
| Safari Generic | 54 |
| Mobile Safari Generic | 5 |
| Mobile Safari UIWebView | 4 |
| Mobile Safari 12.1 | 1 |
| Mobile Safari 13.0 | 1 |
3 | Firefox | 43 |
4 | Android | 41 |
5 | Edge | 10 |
| Edge Generic | 6 |
| Edge 17.0 | 4 |
6 | Mobile Safari UIWebView | 4 |
| Mobile Safari UIWebView | 4 |
7 | Android WebView | 3 |
| Android WebView Generic | 2 |
| Android WebView 50.0 | 1 |
8 | Default Browser | 2 |
CountriesTotal number of countries: 6Total accesses: 654
Page Accesses
Number of pages accessed: 31Total accesses: 648
info/stats.txt · Poslední úprava: 2020/11/08 17:34 autor: pepar